Sunday, May 10, 2009

A tribute to Curly on Mother's Day...

(One of her 8 pups suckling her milk).

The 8 pups were first discovered on 10 Aug 08.
- They should be around two weeks old.

Candid Shots

Small Ace lookalike :P

Gradually, the no. of pups reduces as some were
knocked down by heavy vehicles.

smile smile :)

These were the few remaining photos of Curly's pups before some died. Too sweet a picture hence, decided to share with the viewers.

Memories lies in the hearts of those who remembered and love them dearly.
May they be happy and healthy in their own rainbow world.

Before we forget, here's wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day, Curly! :)

Oops.. btw, Curly was also brought into the shelter due to the opening of a new expressway.