Sunday, May 9, 2010

Moo Moo

Moo Moo is the daughter of Moo Moo bull, where both had given birth many times! The unfortunate thing was when Moo Moo bull was knocked down by a heavy vehicle and Moo Moo was left alone to fend for herself.

Hence, we decided that it was time for us to do something to help the lone Moo Moo. After many attempts of trapping and YES! including tranquilization, we finally caught her whilst she was drowsy and brought her in for sterilisation. PHEW!

Moo Moo has been with us since then and she is quite a senior as at to date. Sometimes, she still behaves like a little puppy wagging her tail, this chubby and sweet gal!

Drop us an email if you wish to visit her.